Genrich Krasko

Genrich Krasko, a retired professor of physics, was born and educated in Russia. He and his family immigrated to America in 1980. He has published over 100 scientific papers, and worked in universities and research laboratories throughout the world.
The “social health” of America has been, since the very beginning, Genrich Krasko’s concern and a matter of deep reflection. As someone who has not been born here but who came to this country as a mature and thinking individual, he was able to see something that only “a newcomer,” refusing to take anything for granted, could see.
After having discovered the works of Viktor E Frankl, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, author of international bestseller Man’s search For Meaning, and founder of the so-called Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy, Genrich Krasko understood that he wanted more from his life than just doing sophisticated quantum mechanics. He became a follower, and, in fact, a disciple of Viktor Frankl.
A new understanding of America’s problems resulted in Genrich Krasko’s book, This Unbearable Boredom of Being. A Crisis of Meaning in America. Upon having read the book’s manuscript, Victor Frankl wrote a Foreword to it.
Now retired as a physicist (though still affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Nuclear Engineering Department), Genrich Krasko is in close contact with Viktor Frankl Institutes and Societies throughout the world. He also writes on the most pressing problems that face America today (see his essays).
Genrich Krasko lives with his wife in Peabody, MA.
Essays by Genrich L. Krasko:
Victor Frankl: The Prophet of Meaning
Training or Education? America's Cultural and Existential Dilemma
Does Life Have Purpose and Meaning? An Imaginary Conversation With Teenagers
Will the Internet kill the book?
Long-Term care: The Looming Crisis
The Future Social Security Crisis: How Can It Be Avoided?
The Battered First Amendment, The Abandoned Ninth